Keeping rgb sane

Sam Pottle pottle at
Tue Jun 12 15:57:28 PDT 2001

Okay, here's the plan.  You guys can keep talking about liquid-cooled
systems; I'll distract him with a "real" question:

	Speaking of heatsinks, what are people using these days on
	their Beowulf nodes?  The cheap stock Intel coolers work fine
	on the last thing I bought (866 MHz PIII's), but the trend
	toward higher power is clear -- I don't expect they'll cut it
	on a 1.3 GHz Athlon.  I've seen various "cooler roundups" on
	the hardware review sites, but they lack two things I want:
	pricing information, for our beloved price/performance
	tradeoffs; and a sense of what constitutes "good enough"
	cooling for a given processor.  Of course, the latter depends
	on a lot of variables.  Dedicated clusters often have the
	advantage of a well cooled room to live in, and the disadvantage
	of exercising their CPU's harder than the average home user
	ever does.

	So, I'd be interested to hear what other clusterers are using
	for cooling.  As usual, I'm reluctant to spend $10 (or $20, or
	$30) more per node than I have to.

					Sam Pottle

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