Rolling a rack on carpet

Daniel Kidger Daniel.Kidger at
Thu Oct 24 10:31:30 PDT 2002

>We've got a 20 x 2U system in a single rack which when fully
>populated is going to weigh on the order of a thousand pounds.
>The room which holds it is covered wall to wall with industrial
>carpet. It's a computer room - it's also a class room. 

What about those clear plastic mats that are sold to go under office chairs
so they roll freely on carpeted floors?
Since they:
   - are cheep and easily obtainable
   - can be cut to size
   - have 'teeth' on the bottom so they don't slip
   - are stiff enough not to let the wheel of the rack sink in.
   - have chamfered edges so that you can roll a rack onto the carpet if


Dr. Dan Kidger, Quadrics Ltd.      daniel.kidger at
One Bridewell St., Bristol, BS1 2AA, UK         0117 915 5505
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