*very* sluggish at 100Mb/s but OK at 10Mb/s??

simonc@child.demon.co.uk simonc@child.demon.co.uk
Thu Dec 23 13:51:25 1999

On 23-Dec-99 Daniel Senie wrote:

> A failure of autonegotiation (one end thinks it's in half duplex, other
> thinks it's in full) results in 99% (but not 100%) packet loss. This is
> not an uncommon situation. Try using a different hub to debug the
> problem, or force full duplex and see if it gets better.
> If you can control the switch, try doing the force there. If not, try it
> at the Linux machine.

I can't really control the hub, it's on a maintenance contract and it's
best that I don't fiddle with it (well, not much :-)

I have tried forcing 100 FD on the eepro and it was no better.

I have forced 10Mb FD and that seems OK.

How can I force HD - there doesn't appear to be an option for that?

In fact I think that I have had it at 100 HD (I think I saw that once in the
diagnostics) and it was no better.

It looks like staying at 10 or putting in another (different brand) nic?

Simon Child