1.09m in 2.3.17 kernel: Work in Progress?

Steve egbert@efficient.com
Wed Sep 8 15:26:13 1999

So, someone decides to centralize the PCI APIs.  (Better now than later,
one would say).

I have a 2.3.17 kernel and get LOTs of compiler errors with

Start with missing "k_compat.h" and "pci-netif.h" include files.  Is
there a stopgap or appropriate transition I should take?

If possible, what website best explains this glaring deficiency or
sudden introduction of PCI common functions?


Steve Egbert                      Skytel: 888-463-7343
Software Engineering                 FAX: 972-991-3887
Efficient Networks, Inc.          http://www.efficient.com
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variations." -- Mike Nichols, V.P. Microsoft Corporation