[eepro100] again on disconnection

Davide Giunchi gdavide@mclink.it
Sat, 03 Feb 2001 14:50:40 +0100

i've posted a message two weeks ago about some disconnetion on an hp with eepro100 servers, now
it seems that i've still problem even after downloading the latest driver and using it as module,
i've used mii-diag to control the status of the ethernet, it works on 10BaseT as my net, but sometimes
i get disconnetion on some clients.
I've the 6 server like this, all in separate network and places, and all with the same problem, some less but some
more freqently... i ask you some question

1) how can i debug if it's a driver problem?
2) there's 10BaseT-HD and 10BaseT-FD, what's the difference and what's could i select? 
3) speaking with an hp operator he said me that the nic in this servers is an intel eepro100
modified by hp, but it should work fine with redhat (i use redhat bu i know that it's equal
for all distribution), it could be that i must use a differend module? or there's a patch by hp?
(i don't know... it could be that they are the same).

Thanks for your help.

(o_  Davide Giunchi.
//\  Membro del FoLUG (Forlí Linux User Group) - http://folug.linux.it
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