[eepro100] Stable kernel/driver configurations?

Khyron khyron@khyron.com
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 13:38:18 -0700 (PDT)

Has anyone documented they're configurations to the
point where they can claim that "kernel rev 2.x.y + driver version
x.y.z" is stable. By stable, I mean the driver doesn't experience
lockups or other connectivity failures (outside of the normal
duplex mismatches, etc.), doesn't experience "card reports no resources"
errors, or other problems which affect its ability to communicate
with the network.

Can anyone say, with any degree of certainty, which of the
following combinations will work consistently:

2.2.18 + Intel e100 1.5.5
2.2.18 + Intel e100 1.6.6
2.2.18 + eepro100 1.09
2.2.18 + eepro100 1.13
2.2.18 + eepro100

2.4.5 + Intel e100 1.5.5
2.4.5 + Intel e100 1.6.6

Any and all comments welcome. I want to gauge where the support
for this hardware really is and whether its worth my (and my
company's) time to continue attempting to make this hardware work
or investigate non-Intel networking alternatives.


Khyron					    mailto:khyron@khyron.com
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