[eepro100] eth0: card reports no resources

Donald Becker becker@scyld.com
Tue Sep 17 22:37:00 2002

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, John Jones wrote:

> Donald, thanks for the response.
> > you didn't specify which driver version
> > you are using.
> 2000/5/31
> I know these are the old ones.

That's a modified version of a modified driver...

> > What is the incoming packet rate?
> Unsure, since the console becomes extremely lagged during this time.  We

That makes it difficult to figure out if you are getting a high incoming
packet rate, or if there are a small number packets such as "frag bombs"
that consume disproportionate CPU time.

> > Have you increased the VM parameters as previously suggested on this list?
> I am doing that as soon as I understand what I am changing, and how to do it
> properly (in /proc/sys/vm/bdflush), yes.

Yes, it's very difficult to find info on what the parameters are, what
they do, and suggested settings for different circumstances.  You would
think that anyone that changes the interface should also be responsible
for documenting the new interface, but that's not how it works...

The best guide I've found, without just reading the source code, is

> One thing I -am- seeing is a ton of frame errors on the nic:
>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>           RX packets:2616981 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:46855

What is reported in /proc/net/dev?  The 'ifconfig' program reads the raw
values from there, and then discards or summarizes the error fields.  We
need to know what type of errors these are.

If you are using a recent version of my driver release, you can
selectively enable driver status/error messages using
  mii-diag  eth0 --msg-level <value>
where <value> is the sum of
	NETIF_MSG_DRV           = 0x0001,
	NETIF_MSG_PROBE         = 0x0002,
	NETIF_MSG_LINK          = 0x0004,
	NETIF_MSG_TIMER         = 0x0008,
	NETIF_MSG_IFDOWN        = 0x0010,
	NETIF_MSG_IFUP          = 0x0020,
>>>>	NETIF_MSG_RX_ERR        = 0x0040,
	NETIF_MSG_TX_ERR        = 0x0080,
	NETIF_MSG_TX_QUEUED     = 0x0100,
	NETIF_MSG_INTR          = 0x0200,
	NETIF_MSG_TX_DONE       = 0x0400,
	NETIF_MSG_RX_STATUS     = 0x0800,
	NETIF_MSG_PKTDATA       = 0x1000,
	/* 2000 is reserved. */
	NETIF_MSG_WOL           = 0x4000,
	NETIF_MSG_MISC          = 0x8000,
	NETIF_MSG_RXFILTER      = 0x10000,

Donald Becker				becker@scyld.com
Scyld Computing Corporation		http://www.scyld.com
410 Severn Ave. Suite 210		Second Generation Beowulf Clusters
Annapolis MD 21403			410-990-9993