Inifinitive retransmission and timeout
Sun Aug 23 00:26:15 1998
I used a RTL8139 PCI board.
The MB is Cyrix MediaGX 200MHz
(with 5520 companion chipset.)
The driver is 0.99B (coming along with
kernel 2.0.34 of Slackware 3.5).
I found if some application goes wrong,
the driver got stuck by retransmitting an
outgoing packet indefintively, each time
it prints a message after failure.
Eth0 transmit timeout, status 0d, 00000
Even the application has been killed,
the messages lines get printing continously.
Only reboot may restore the NIC' back to work.
I can reproduce the above syndrome by
either one of following approaches
1. In SAMBA's smb.conf, I purposely
mispell the WORKGROUP's name
to an non-existent workgroup name.
2. Make Netscape 4.0 to reload a cgi-generated
dynamic page which in turn embeds another
cgi-feed inline IMG SRC. Sometimes Netscape
4.0 will be out of sequence, i.e it first invokes
image-feeder cgi to reload embeded inline image
before the context page is reloaded.
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