Sudden Timeout Error of RTL-8139 Card

Shigeo Sagai
Thu Sep 10 02:01:29 1998

In message <Pine.SUN.3.91.980909150041.22876O-100000@yukon>you write:
>I have a proposed fix:
> on line 999 of rtl8139.c:v1.02 change "TxHostOwns" to "TxStatOK | TxAborted"

I changed the v1.02 driver on line 999 as follows:

   /* if ( ! (txstatus & TxHostOwns)) supposed fix 1998-09-10 */
   if ( ! (txstatus & (TxStatOK | TxAborted)))

And the Tx timeout error does't occur for about 4 hours.
I continue testing.
  Shigeo Sagai                
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