[How can I ?] ...force driver to use 10Mbit
Rudolf Zeilhofer
Thu Sep 30 03:46:53 1999
my problem is that I want to use an 10/100Mbit Ethernet-Card (with Realtek 8139 chipset) within
an 10MBit network. How can I force the driver to use 10MBit. It tries always to send in 100MBit
What I tried so far:
(1) ifconfig eth0 media 10baseT
--> not supported
Please send me a reply if you know the answer to my question.
Z E I L H O F E R Rudolf
E - M A I L mailto:zeilhofe@informatik.uni-muenchen.de
N E T Z H A U T http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~netzhaut
T E L E F O N ++49 (8142) 53 11 2
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