[realtek] RealTec 8139too.o problems -> 2.2.19 kernel
Sat, 02 Jun 2001 23:41:19 -0400
Hello all,
I've recently decided to add USB support to my Slack 7.1 box.
Hence, I upgraded my kernel from 2.2.16 -> 2.2.19.
However, I've noticed that my NIC (realtec 8139 driver) isn't being
recognized by the new kernel.
I did the following:
1) make oldconfig
2) added the new support for USB (filesystem, C-it IBM camera ,
Agreed to use the newer realtec 8139too.o driver
3) make dep
4) make bzImage
5) make modules
5) make modules_install
6) cp /usr/src/linux-2.2.19/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.19
7) cp /usr/src/linux-2.2.19/System.map /boot/System.map-2.2.19
To my chagrin, my network card isn't identified by the kernel.
[agreen@rufnek]~$locate rtl8139
/usr/src/linux-2.2.19/include/config/rtl8139too.h -> Newer realtec
driver supported in 2.2.19
So I had to go back to my older 2.2.16 kernel to gain use of my NIC and
send this call for help...
Any help would be greatly appreciated..