[realtek] Rtl8139 pcmcia?

Donald Becker becker@scyld.com
Tue Mar 18 14:03:01 2003

On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Andreas Johansson wrote:

> I'm having trouble with the rtl8139 driver pcmcia (v 1.22). My kernel version
> is 2.4.19 and it works very well. The nic does'nt, it works fairly well
> when I don't use it fully. But always when I download with full speed it
> hangs, after a restart it works for a while again. Don't really know
> what the problem could be. The sources has a hole bunch of settings, so if
> someone could point me in a direction it would be highly appreciated.

What are the error messages?
What error counts increase in /proc/net/dev?
What does 'mii-diag' report about the link duplex?

Donald Becker				becker@scyld.com
Scyld Computing Corporation		http://www.scyld.com
410 Severn Ave. Suite 210		Scyld Beowulf cluster system
Annapolis MD 21403			410-990-9993