21143-TD problems using .90p

Eric Seppanen Eric_Seppanen@i-tech.com
Tue Feb 23 12:09:22 1999

OK, I've put close to a week into debugging what's wrong here... I'm 
finally going to ask for help.  Any advice is appreciated.

The problem is that I can use 10Mb just fine but 100Mb doesn't work at all. 
 This is a 21143-TD hooked up to a Level One LXT970 PHY chip, built on to 
the motherboard.  As far as I can tell, everything has been properly 
configured in the 21143 CSRs and the MII registers.  The MII registers 
appear to report that autonegotiation is complete and successfully selected 
100Mbps half-duplex.  CSRs seem to agree.  The PHY chip is lighting both 
the "100Mb" and "Link" LEDs. There are no errors coming from the driver and 
if I configure the interface and ping somebody, the "transmit" light 
blinks.  However, the "receive" LED _never_ blinks, and even worse, the LED 
on the 100Mb hub (Linksys) never comes on.  I've used .90f and .90p.. both 
work on 10Mb, but not 100Mb.  DOS packet drivers work and autodetect 10 or 
100Mb correctly.

1.  Is the MII address 17 unusual?  will this cause problems?
2.  Is there a known problem with the -TD and the CSR0 WIE bit?  If so, 
what should I do about it?  I already tried setting
static int csr0 = 0x00000000 | 0x8000;
but that had no effect. (logs below are from an unmodified .90p)
3.  Is there anything else I can try?

Thanks for any help.  I'll fall down and kiss the boots of anyone who can 
get this to work.

Eric Seppanen / sepp@primenet.com

Here are the messages (debug=2) from loading:
tulip.c:v0.90p 2/18/99 becker@cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov
eth0: Digital DS21143 Tulip rev 65 at 0xd100, 00:A0:BD:03:00:01, IRQ 10.
eth0:  EEPROM default media type Autosense.
eth0:  MII interface PHY 0, setup/reset sequences 0/0 long, capabilities e0 
eth0:  Index #0 - Media MII (#11) described by a 21142 MII PHY (3) block.
eth0:  MII transceiver #17 config 3000 status 7829 advertising 01e1.
eth0: tulip_open() irq 10.
eth0: Using MII transceiver 17, status 782d.
eth0:  Advertising 01e1 on PHY 0 (17).
eth0: Using media type MII, CSR12 is c6.
eth0: 21143 negotiation status 000000c6, MII.
eth0: MII status 782d, Link partner report 0081, CSR6 b20e2002.

while loaded tulip-diag shows:

tulip-diag.c:v1.07 2/10/99 Donald Becker (becker@cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov)
Index #1: Found a Digital DS21143 Tulip adapter at 0xd100.
Digital DS21143 Tulip Tulip chip registers at 0xd100:
  f9a08000 ffffffff ffffffff 00ffe810 00ffea10 f0660000 b20e2002 fbfffbff
  e0000000 fff583ff ffffffff 00000000 000000c6 ffff0000 fff80000 8ff80008
 Port selection is MII, half-duplex.
 Transmit started, Receive started, half-duplex.
  The Rx process state is 'Waiting for packets'.
  The Tx process state is 'Idle'.
  The transmit threshold is 128.
EEPROM transceiver/media description for the Digital DS21143 Tulip chip.

Leaf node at offset 30, default media type 0800 (Autosense).
 1 transceiver description blocks:
  Media MII, block type 3.
   MII interface PHY 0 (media type 11).
   21143 MII initialization sequence is 0 words:.
   21143 MII reset sequence is 0 words:.
   Media capabilities are 7800, advertising 01e1.
   MII interrupt on GPIO pin -1.
 MII PHY found at address 17, status 0x782d.
 MII PHY #17 transceiver registers:
   3000 782d 7810 0003 01e1 0081 0000 0000
   0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
   0000 0000 4000 0000 2ef9 0010 0000 0002
   0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.
  Internal autonegotiation state is 'Autonegotiation disabled'.