Slow transfer with 21140 card

Mark Hahn
Wed Jul 22 20:23:14 1998

> I just found that UDP appears to be transmitting correctly, whereas
> TCP is slow.  Thanks to Mark Hahn for the suggestion.  Now what
> does this mean and what do I do?

when this happened to me, the cause was somewhat embarassing.
I had wired the cables/connectors myself, using good cat5,
not abusing the cable, testing the crimp, etc.  unfortunately,
I had assumed that RJ45's were wired with pairs on adjacent pins
(ie, orange-white,orange,grn-wh,grn,blu-wh,blu,brn-w,brn).
unfortunately, it's not sane like this: the green pair is split,
and the reversed blue pair is in between.  the result was that my
Tx signal pair (I think) was now on wires in two pairs, that is,
not twisted.  obviously, this is very lossy, and I was surprised
that it ever worked.  note also that it worked pretty well at 
10bT, as well...

anyway, once I corrected this, all was well.  I can actually see
~9 MB/s using TCP, even with HD on a hub.  UDP runs at 11+ MB/s
in either direction...

regards, mark hahn.