More Matrox Shark NS-100/4
Mon Jul 27 12:33:37 1998

Hi all,

     After commenting out 'irq=last_irq', on line ~695 in tulip_probe1,
I've been able to
insmod the driver and use ifconfig on it to set a network address. It still
doesn't work, but I seem
to be making progress.

     When doing the ifconfig I get the following results:
Using a 21140 non-MII transceiver with control setting 00.
Using media type 10base2, CSR12= e1.
Done tulip_open(), CSR0 ffa04800, CSR5 fc360000, CSR6 32002002

Media selection tick, status fc660000 mode 32002002 sia ffffffe1 ffffffff
1c09fdc0 fffffec8.
transceiver monitor tick: csr12=0xffffffe1 bit 0 is 1, expecting 1.
link beat detected for 10baseT.

Unfortunately these results apply no matter what type of connection, the
card has ( none, 10 mb, 100 mb ).

Is there anyway to force to driver to use MII 100BaseTx? It seems to be
possible from looking at
the source, but I haven't worked out how yet.

Thanks, Simon.