[tulip] ftp.scyld.com

Phillip D. Beal pdbeal@louisville.edu
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 14:57:10 -0500


Are there any missing files on ftp.scyld.com?  I'm looking for the test
tulip stuff in /pub/network/test/, and I don't see a pci-scan.h.  I've
tried to use the pci-scan.h from /pub/network/, but this then won't
compile the tulip.c from /pub/network/test/.

Phillip Beal                           ___           _               _   
Electrical and Computer Engineering   | _ ) ___ __ _| |___  _ _  ___| |_ 
pdbeal@louisville.edu                 | _ \/ -_) _` | |_ /_| ' \/ -_)  _|
http://www.bealz.net/                 |___/\___\__,_|_/__(_)_||_\___|\__|