[vortex] 3c920 in Dell docking station

Uncle George gatgul@voicenet.com
Mon Feb 10 10:43:02 2003

I have a laptop port replicator that has a 3c920 ( so the docs says ) in
it. The RH linux 8.0 does not recognize the ethernet device ( it does
recognize the scsi device in the port replicator ( to quell the bridge
not working issues )

THere is no mention of the 3c920 at the (normal) 3com site. It may be at
the OEM/plz login site.

trying to install the 3c59x module gets

	[root@LaptopServer gat]# /sbin/insmod 3c59x
	Using /lib/modules/2.4.18-14/kernel/drivers/net/3c59x.o
	/lib/modules/2.4.18-14/kernel/drivers/net/3c59x.o: init_module: 		No
such device
	Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
        		You may find more information in syslog or the output from dmesg
	[root@LaptopServer gat]#

SHould I be trying to build using 3com's 3c90x module? It is suggested
that the 3c59x driver is just as good as the 3c90x driver.