Hamachi Help Please
Frank Morton
Sat Feb 6 12:09:16 1999
I'm new to the list, so cut me some slack this one time. I have
a number of questions to get oriented. I am testing the interaction
of Linux and Macintosh using GNIC-II cards. Impressive so far...
#1 is there an archive of this mailing list...I can't find it?
#2 on the linux side I am using "hamachi.c:v0.05 7/25/98" but
someone in conversation thought that there was a 1.0 release.
Is http://www.tidalwave.net/~becker/hamachi.c indeed the latest
#3 What does the following error message mean. I am running
a very new Pentium II machine with Red Hat 5.2 using kernel 2.0.36:
eth1: Hamachi transmit timed out, status 00003803, resetting...
Is this a normal thing or does it indicate a problem?
#4 does the driver truly support multicasting? It appears to, but
thought I would ask. Related to that, what does the driver do with
non-IP traffic, such as AppleTalk packets.
I appreciate any help in answering these questions and hope I can
return the favor with Macintosh specific questions.
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