Andreas Weingessel
Mon Aug 24 11:12:30 1998
We have an Adaptec PCI 10/100 ANA-6911/TXC card on an Intel-Pentium II
system. With kernel version 2.0.32 und tulip 0.83 (10/19/97)
everything worked fine. After installing a 2nd CPU we had some
problems so we tried to upgrade to linux-2.0.34 and 2.0.35. Now, we
can not get the ethernet card to work anymore. The 0.83-version does
not compile any more. We can compile the newest version (0.89K), but
we do not get the network. At boot time, there is an error message
about missing dependency information, and when including the module at
run time, we can include it, but do not get any help.
Any suggestions?
* Andreas Weingessel *
* Institut für Statistik * Tel: (+43 1) 58801 4541 *
* Technische Universität Wien * Fax: (+43 1) 504 14 98 *
* Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10/1071 * *
* A-1040 Wien, Austria * *